1. Urban and regional development
- Territorial Productivity Differences and Dynamics within Latin American Countries (with Virgilio Galdo and Elena Ianchovichina). Policy Research Working Paper 10480 2023: accessible here.
- Cash in the City: The Case of Port-au-Prince (with Julius Gunneman, Karishma V Patel and Caroline Tassot). Social Protection & Jobs Discussion Paper 2205. World Bank, Washington, DC 2022: accessible here.
- Jobs to People or People to Jobs. Levering public housing programs to support the formation of economic sub-centres in South Africa (with Somik V. Lall). South Africa Urbanisation Review, Cities Support Programme (CSP), Intergovernmental Relations Division of the National Treasury 2018: accessible here.
- The Urban Wage Premium in Africa (with Patricia Jones and Louise Bernard) in Wage Inequality in Developing Countries: Volume I (ed. S. Johnson-Lans). Africa, Palgrave 2017.
2. Conflict
- Who Benefited from Burundi’s Demobilization Program? (with Olivier Sterck and Philip Verwimp) - World Bank Economic Review 2016: accessible here. The Appendix is available in this version.
- Risk, Security, and Coping Mechanisms in Contexts of Violent Conflict: Evidence from Rwanda and Burundi (with Philip Verwimp) in A Micro-Level Perspective on the Dynamics of Conflict, Violence, and Development (edited by P. Justino, T. Brück and P. Verwimp), Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK 2013.
- From Rebellion to Electoral Violence. Evidence from Burundi (with Andrea Colombo and Olivier Sterck) - Economic Development and Cultural Change 2019: accessible here (ungated version March 2017). Get a glimpse on the CSAE blog and here for a brief comment on the 2015 events.
3. Institutional Economics
- Who Benefits from Customary Justice? Rent-seeking, Bribery and Criminality in Sub-Saharan Africa (with Olivier Sterck). Journal of African Economies 2016: accessible here.
4. Entrepreneurship
- Risky Business? Rural Entrepreneurship in Subsistence Markets (with Katarzyna Cieslik), The European Journal of Development Research 2017: accessible here.
5. Public Health in Emergency Settings
- The frequency and impact of natural disasters (with Debby Guha-Sapir, Femke Vos and Philippe Hoyois in The Economic Impacts of Natural Disasters (edited by D. Guha-Sapir and I. Santos), Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK 2013.
- Recurrent floods and prevalence of diarrhea among under five children: observations from Bahraich district, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2011, Global Health Action vol. 4. (with Pooran C. Joshi, Sonia Kaushal, Bijaya S. Aribam, Prashant Khattri, Mongjam M. Singh, Michael Marx and Debarati Guha-Sapir).
- Demographic and Health Consequences of Civil Conflict, 2010, Background paper for the World Development Report on Conflict, Security and Development (with Debarati Guha-Sapir).